P-Ln CIC 60

Updated on 13/01/2022
Full reference
Portugal, Lisboa, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, CIC 60
Short description
Choirbook in small oblong format, manuscript on paper, origin unknown, [c.1570].
Digital reproduction
External references

Probably copied from Coimbra-related exemplars.

Alvarenga, João Pedro d’, “On the Transmission of Iberian Polyphonic Music in the Early Decades of the Sixteenth Century: Some Philological Issues Revisited”, Portuguese Journal of Musicology, new series, 6/1 (2019), 5-28 <http://rpm-ns.pt/index.php/rpm/article/view/362/627>, at 22-23
Rees, Owen, Polyphony in Portugal c.1530-c.1620: Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra, Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities (New York & London: Garland, 1995), pp. 431-36
Rees, Owen, “Manuscript Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional, CIC 60: The Repertories and their Context”, Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, 4-5 (1994–1995), 53-93
Rees, Owen, “Texts and Music in Lisbon BN 60”, Revista de Musicología, 16/3 (1993), 1515-33