Ninha era la infanta

Updated on 13/01/2022
Reference source
Musical parameters
Voices Mensuration Clefs Signature Final
j c2c3c4f4 -
J. P. d'Alvarenga

This is probably the romance originally sung in Gil Vicente's play Cortes de Júpiter (1521). The different and longer text given in the Copilacam de todalas obras de Gil Vicente (Lisbon, João Alvarez, 1562), f. 169r, adapts to the music somewhat better than the text in P-Ln CIC 60. Not being aware at the time that Pedro do Porto (who is named in Vicente's play) and Pedro the Escobar were not the same individual, Rees (1993) suggests that the music for Vicente's poem in Cortes de Júpiter was probably composed by Pedro de Escobar and that the piece preserved in P-Ln CIC 60 is likely to be Escobar's setting.

Other modern editions
Rees, Owen, “Texts and Music in Lisbon BN 60”, Revista de Musicología, 16/3 (1993), 1515-33, at 1528-33, with an edition of the piece at 1530-32
Sources including this piece