
See the bibliography in Zotero
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  • Kastner, Macario Santiago, “Los manuscritos musicales nos. 48 y 242 de la Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Coimbra”, Anuario Musical, 5 (1950), 78-96
  • Knighton, Tess, and Kenneth Kreitner, The Music of Juan de Anchieta (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019)
  • Knighton, Tess, Gonçalo de Baena: Arte para tanger (Lisboa, 1540) (Lisboa: Edições Colibri, Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical, 2012)
  • Knighton, Tess, Música y músicos en la corte de Fernando el Católico, 1474-1516 (Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, 2001)
  • Knighton, Tess, “A newly discovered keyboard source (Gonzalo de Baena’s Arte nouamente inuentada pera aprender a tanger, Lisbon, 1540): A preliminary report”, Plainsong and Medieval Music, 5/1 (1996), 81-112
  • Knighton, Tess, “Alba [Alva, Alua], Alonso (Pérez) de”, in Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana, ed. by Emilio Casares Rodicio, 10 vol. (Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999–2002), i, 170-71
  • Knighton, Tess, “Díaz (I)”, in Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana, ed. by Emilio Casares Rodicio, 10 vol. (Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999–2002), iv, 476-77
  • Knighton, Tess, “Francisco de Peñalosa: New Works Lost and Found”, in Encomium musicae: essays in memory of Robert J. Snow, David Crawford and G. Grayson Wagstaff (Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2002) pp. 231-57
  • Knighton, Tess, “Gonçalo de Baena’s Arte para tanger (Lisboa, 1540): Local and International Repertories”, in Musical Exchanges, 1100-1650: Iberian Connections, ed. by Manuel Pedro Ferreira, Iberian Early Music Studies, 2 (Kassel: Reichenberger, 2016) pp. 209-39
  • Knighton, Tess, “Music and Devotion at the Court of the Catholic Monarchs”, in The Spain of the Catholic Monarchs: Papers from the Quincentenary Conference (Bristol, 2004), ed. by David Hook (Bristol: University of Bristol Press, 2008) pp. 207-25
  • Knighton, Tess, “Peñalosa [Penyalosa] Francisco de”, in Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana, ed. by Emilio Casares, 10 vol. (Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999–2002), viii, 586-89
  • Knighton, Tess, “Ribera [Ribeira], Antonio de”, in Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana, ed. by Emilio Casares Rodicio, 10 vol. (Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999–2002), ix, 170-71
  • Knighton, Tess, “Rivaflecha, Martín de”, in Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana, ed. by Emilio Casares Rodicio, 10 vol. (Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999–2002), ix, 216-17
  • Knighton, Tess, “The Polyphonic Songs Attributed to Pedro de Escobar”, Portuguese Journal of Musicology, new series, 6/1 (2019), 183-210 <>
  • Knighton, Tess, “Transmisión, difusión y recepción de la polifonía franco-neerlandesa en el reino de Aragón a principios del siglo XVI”, Artigrama, 12 (1996–1997), 19-38
  • Knighton, Tess, “’Motetes de la Salve’: Some Thoughts on the Provenance, Compilation and Use of Seville, Biblioteca Colombina 5–5–20”, in The Treasures of Golden Age. Essays in Honor of Robert M. Stevenson, ed. by Michael B. O’Connor and Walter Aaron Clark (Hillsdale: Pendragon Press, 2012) pp. 29–58
  • Kreitner, Kenneth, ed, Francisco de Peñalosa (ca. 1480 - 1528): Precor te Domine, Mapa Mundi, Pure Gold, 6 (Lochs: Vanderbeek & Imrie, 2011) <>
  • Kreitner, Kenneth, The Church Music of Fifteenth-Century Spain, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2004)
  • Kreitner, Kenneth, “Juan de Anchieta and the Rest of the World”, in Queen Isabel I of Castile: Power, Patronage, Persona, ed. by Barbara F. Weissberger (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2008) pp. 169-85
  • Kreitner, Kenneth, “Peñalosa, ‘Precor te’, and Us”, in Pure Gold: Golden Age Sacred Music in the Iberian World. A Homage to Bruno Turner, ed. by Tess Knighton and Bernadette Nelson, De Musica, 15 (Kassel: Reichenberger, 2011) pp. 291-308
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