Clamabat autem mulier

Updated on 12/03/2022
Reference source
Musical parameters
Voices Mensuration Clefs Signature Final
e c1c3c3f3 D
J. P. d'Alvarenga

All editions after E-TZ Ms. 2/3 unless otherwise stated.

Other modern editions
Calahorra Martínez, Pedro, and Luis Prensa Villegas, “¿Acaso se puede hablar de una colección de motetes escénicos de Pedro Escobar/ Pedro do Porto?”, Inter-American Music Review, 18 (2008), 115-46, with an edition of the piece at 123-28
Rees, Owen, Polyphony in Portugal c.1530-c.1620: Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra, Outstanding Dissertations in Music from British Universities (New York & London: Garland, 1995), at pp. 52, 59-60, 419, with an edition of the piece at pp. 61-66 (after P-Cug MM 12)
Ribeiro, Mário de Sampaio, “Sôbre o fecho do «Auto da Cananeia»”, Brotéria: Revista contemporânea de cultura, 27 (1938), 321-91
Rycke, Dawn de, “lnvoking Pedro de Escobar: The persistence of Cananea and the placing of Tradition”, Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia, 11 (2001), 7-45
Sources including this piece