Virgo et mater

Updated on 21/08/2020
Reference source
Musical parameters
Voices Mensuration Clefs Signature Final
e c2c4c4f4 -
J. P. d'Alvarenga
Other modern editions
Alvarenga, João Pedro d’, “Juan de Anchieta and the Iberian Motet around 1500”, Acta Musicologica, 91/1 (2019), 21-47
Knighton, Tess, and Kenneth Kreitner, The Music of Juan de Anchieta (Abingdon: Routledge, 2019), pp. 86-88
Knighton, Tess, “Music and Devotion at the Court of the Catholic Monarchs”, in The Spain of the Catholic Monarchs: Papers from the Quincentenary Conference (Bristol, 2004), ed. by David Hook (Bristol: University of Bristol Press, 2008) pp. 207-25, with an edition of the motet at 221-25
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