Rodríguez de Sanabria, Juan
Updated on 16/08/2020- Other names
- Dates
- Notes
He is first recorded in 1484 as a singer and music teacher at Burgos Cathedral. Later on, he was also a singer in Ávila (1487), León (1494), and Valencia (October 1502-March 1503). The brief appointment of one 'Sanabria' at Murcia Cathedral in September 1502 is probably referring to the composer. In Valencia, he was also known as a theorist, as per a marginalia at Guillem de Podio's Enchiridion de principiis musice discipline (I-Bc Ms. A.71).
It was suggested that 'Juan Rodríguez de la Torre' could be another name for Rodríguez de Sanabria, but Villanueva Serrano (2017) has proved that not to be the case.
- Bibliography
Kreitner, Kenneth, The Church Music of Fifteenth-Century Spain, Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Music (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2004), pp. 148-49Prats Redondo, Consuelo, “Música y músicos en la catedral de Murcia entre 1600-1750” (unpublished Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de Murcia, 2009), p. 143Villanueva Serrano, Francesc, “Una perspectiva prosopogràfica dels oficis musicals de la Catedral de València en temps de Guillem de Podio, 1480-1505”, Anuario Musical, 72 (2017), 9-50, at 19-20
- External references
- Works in this database
Sanabria, Senabria, de Sanabria
doc. 1484-1503