Alba, Alonso (Pérez) de

Updated on 19/08/2020
Other names
Alonso/Alfonso Pérez de Alba/Alva/Alua
first doc. 1482-d. 1504

He was a singer at Seville Cathedral from 1482 until April 1491. That year, he might have taken a short appointment as a singer at the Castilian royal chapel while it resided in Seville. He appears also as master of the choirboys at Seville Cathedral (1491-97), and was appointed as the cathedral's chapelmaster in 1503, until his death in August 1504. Before his biography was enlarged (Ruiz Jiménez 2010), another Alonso de Alba (this one a sacristan and chaplain to Queen Isabel and her daughter Juana) was considered a candidate to the authorship of some of Alba's output (Knighton 2001).

Barbieri 1890, p. 19 Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo, ed, Cancionero musical de los siglos XV y XVI (Madrid: Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 1890) <>
Casares Rodicio, Emilio, ed, Legado Barbieri: biografías y documentos sobre música y músicos españoles, 2 vol. (Madrid: Fundación Banco Exterior, 1986–1988), i, p. 337
Knighton, Tess, Música y músicos en la corte de Fernando el Católico, 1474-1516 (Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, 2001), pp. 322-23
Knighton, Tess, “Alba [Alva, Alua], Alonso (Pérez) de”, in Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana, ed. by Emilio Casares Rodicio, 10 vol. (Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999–2002), i, 170-71
Kreitner, Kenneth, “The Music of Alonso de Alba”, Revista de Musicología, 37/2 (2014), 389-421
Rodríguez-García, Esperanza, “What Did the Composer Antonio de Ribera Learn from Alonso Pérez de Alba at Seville Cathedral? A New Look at Ribera’s Missa sine nomine and Devotional Motets”, Portuguese Journal of Musicology, new series, 6/1 (2019), 29-61 <>
Ruiz Jiménez, Juan, “‘The Sounds of the Hollow Mountain’: Musical Tradition and Innovation in Seville Cathedral in the Early Renaissance”, Early Music History, 29 (2010), 189-239, at 221-22
Stevenson, Robert, Spanish Music in the Age of Columbus (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1960), pp. 164-67
External references